Beer pong for the kiddies

In: News

19 Jul 2010

Beer pong for the kiddies

Hasbro has introduced a truly innovative game to its toy line: bouncing a ping-pong ball into a cup. They’re calling it “Cuponk”, but I think a better name would have been “Beer Pong for Kids” – minus the beer. Family fun for all and a way to jump start your child’s beer pong training for the college years before he or she even enters kindergarten.

I can’t decide if the funniest thing about this product is its obvious beer pong association, or the fact that Hasbro is going to make bank for selling a game that consists of a cup and a ball.

Or maybe the best part is the warning label:

“HIGHLY ADDICTIVE! Do not attempt to drive or operate heavy machinery while experiencing the adrenaline rush of CUPONK. Doing so may lead to impairment of shot accuracy, blurred vision, poor coordination, and excessive sweating. Consult a physician before use.”

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